It is a matter of fact, that we all live in a noisy world: various voices and sounds are everywhere around us. Even if you think of sounds of human origin only - there are so many of them: people are talking, whispering and yelling around you; the TV endlessly speaks and informs you about millions-billions events and accidents; your i-pod or PC plays some music or movies for you... In general, we all hear too much and even(quite often) speak too much. But
what is behind these verbose utterances and speeches? Is there a real MEANING and VALUE?Prof. Richard Southern, a historian of the Middle Ages, having observed some historical facts and their record, noticed an interesting principle (The Making of the Middle Ages, p.73):
"As so often happens, the period of growth is one of silence."
I think these words are applicable to the general history of our world as well as to our personal stories: when you are really busy and thoroughly - wuth heart, mind and body - involved in certain action, you usually don't talk with others; when you are reflecting on something "deep" and really crucial, you often keep silence; when you read the book with fascinating plot or philosophical/theological meaning, you must be quite concentrated on it and, consequently, remain speechless for a while... Even when you meet a person whom you love, it is often absolutely unnecessary to say anything -
the encounter of souls does not require human words.
The moments of silence are often the most precious to our own hearts and minds. Have we ever realized that? =)